The Electro-Acuscope/Myopulse Therapy System is an FDA approved microcurrent modality that is designed with a unique biofeedback system. This therapy system is FDA approved for use on neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions, pain management, and an accelerated recovery rate of 50% or more. The average patient response in clinical trials was an accelerated recovery rate of 65%, and the majority of professionals who are properly trained will obtain upwards of 75%. This form of low-level electrical stimulation is also known as "Frequency Specific Microcurrent" (FSM), allows the practitioner to select specialized frequencies and settings to effectively address a wide range of injuries and conditions in the body.
The Electro-Acuscope/Myopulse Therapy System is a specialized modality applied primarily for pain relief, to improve soft tissue function, and to increase range of motion. It differs from other electrical stimulation devices in that it delivers its treatments in micro-amps. Most nerve stimulations devices (TENS) produce milli-amperage current designed to bombard the tissue and simply block pain signals from reaching the brain. The Acuscope and Myopulse instruments, in contrast, generate only the level of current required to gently encourage nerve and muscle fiber to return to conduction of normal electrical impulses. Also in contrast, ordinary TENS devices provide only temporary relief, whereas a series of Acuscope and Myopulse treatments have a cumulative, long-term effect which leads to optimal healing and resolution.
The significance of microcurrent, a low voltage current, is that is is equivalent to the electrical charge that the human body produces naturally and requires to optimally function. When microcurrent is introduced to the body through safe and effective treatment applications, the body is capable of recognizing this level of current and therefore can respond more efficiently to this category of non-invasive therapy.
The unique and advanced biofeedback system is designed with an internal computer circuitry that is pre-programmed to display digital readings to provide insight to the health of the tissue, monitor the tissue throughout each treatment, and internally adjust the output according to what the patient requires at the time of each session.
This therapy system has been successfully used by many sports medicine clinics and is especially well-known for its success in treating professional athletes. Although the Acuscope and Myopulse have been primarily recommended for orthopedic, neurologic, and arthritic discomfort, the instruments use is not limited to pain relief. In sports therapy, these instruments have also been extensively used to maintain athlete's health, optimize performance, and accelerate the recovery process when injury occurs. These instruments have successfully treated common sports related problems such as pulled muscles, strained tendons and ligaments, inflammation, fractures, and nerve paralysis. It is particularly successful in relieving or greatly reducing the swelling and pain of tissue damage occurring from athletic injury. In addition, the Acuscope and Myopulse instruments have proven effective in the treatment of conditions thought to be career threatening or ending.
The Acuscope is the primary instrument that assists the body with its access to the central nervous system, normalizing the electrical circuitry in the nerves and damaged tissue. The body is made up of a vast number of cells. In many ways these cells act like tiny batteries storing and releasing energy, doing their work of taking in nutrients, releasing waste products, repairing, and reproducing themselves. Each cell has a measurable electrical charge which must be maintained in order to function properly. When this electrical charge is established and assisted, the body is able to do its own work of self repair. The biofeedback system of the Acuscope is utilized for both evaluation and therapeutic purposes, providing both auditory and numerical readouts which indicate areas of cellular dysfunction and abnormal tissue function. The internal computer circuitry gathers information from the designated area of the body that includes conductivity levels, impedance, resistance, and chemistry (primarily sodium and potassium levels). After collecting the needed data from the body, the biofeedback system is able to formulate a digital reading through a number that is displayed on the Acuscope instrument's LED screen. This reading will indicate areas of cellular dysfunction, which can reflect deficient tissue function (typically with chronic, depleted tissue) or hyperactive tissue function (typically related to inflammatory tissue in an acute state). A qualified therapist or practitioner is able to interpret this information, and then determine what treatment protocol will be appropriate for the patient.
The Myopulse is the companion instrument, designed to directly access the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and periosteum tissues of the body through its sinusoidal waveform. The biofeedback design of the Myopulse focuses on normalizing the electro-magnetic field surrounding soft and connective tissue that can be damaged by traumatic and overuse injuries. It attempts to normalize the tissue by delivering corrective signals until the tissue has returned to an optimized state of function. Myopulse applications have been proven to increase muscle strength, normalize tendon and ligament fibers, accelerate the healing of fascia and periosteum, and increase blood flow by naturally alleviating the constriction in the blood vessels found in restricted tissue.
Understanding how the body produces energy will give you further insight to the need of this therapy system to obtain a true state of optimized health, recovery, and performance. Energy flows constantly between all cells throughout the electrical circuitry of the body. When damage or trauma occurs to living tissue, there is a disruption in the electrical capacity of the involved cells. After an initial surge, a measurable decrease in the production and flow of energy through the electrical network of the involved tissues occurs. This condition is generally accompanied by pain in the area and often results in the body's inability to completely repair itself. As a result, lengthy rest periods and inactivity are often prescribed in order to attain a state of restoration of normal tissue function. When the Acuscope and Myopulse instruments are introduced, they are able to replenish the body's natural level of microcurrent and energy, and when this occurs, the repair process is accelerated and the risk of inhibited recovery is decreased.
For example, an all too common injury in sports is a torn hamstring. Acuscope readings will initially reflect the excessive electrical activity in the area resulting from the heat and inflammation in the traumatized muscle fibers. Immediate, appropriate treatment to the involved site can help accelerate the healing process and safely assist the body through the inflammatory stage. An athlete without specialized Acuscope and Myopulse treatments will spend a prolonged amount of time with opposite leg bearing the majority of the weight, which can cause secondary conditions from overcompensation where the muscles/tendons/ligaments of that leg will become strained and sore. With appropriate treatments, these secondary complications can be prevented by keeping the body balanced, comfortable, and in a healthier state.
In numerous scientific studies, micro-current therapy has been proven to have a profoundly beneficial effect on living tissue. Micro-amperage (below 1 milliamp) is the naturally occurring level of current generated by cells throughout the body. In technical terms, some of the benefits of micro-current therapy at the cellular level are: opening of voltage-sensitive calcium ion channels, normalizing cell membrane potential, restoring the sodium pump function, enhancing protein synthesis, and increasing ATP production. With this in mind, it is easy to understand why supplying the kind of current that naturally occurs in healthy tissue promotes regenerative metabolic activity.
Combining the proven benefits of microcurrent with the unique biofeedback feature, is what sets the Acuscope and Myopulse apart from other electrical stimulation devices. Other electrical stimulation units are not capable of gathering feedback and produce only a simple fixed output according to preset specifications. The Acuscope reads neurological impedance and resistance in the circuit created through the tissue placed between the two probes or electrodes. Based on the information it gathers, the unit is programmed to calculate appropriate corrective waveforms. The computerized circuitry picks up abnormalities in the nerve fiber impulses (input), and modifies its infinitely variable square wave signal (output) appropriately. Its' self-correcting mechanisms continually adjust the current until normal patterns are being conducted without resistance through the tissue between the probes. The readings then tell the therapists when an area has been successfully treated and the probes can be moved to another location. This feedback modulated procedure eliminates the possibility of over-treatment or harm to the cells.
Remarkably, results are usually noticeable immediately, and with continued improvement over the following few days. Within a week, most conditions will have progressed dramatically. Chronic conditions may take several treatments before initial results are observed, yet Acuscope and Myopulse treatments are known to resolve serious conditions which would otherwise never improve.
In 1982 Ngok Cheng published, “The Effect of Electric Currents on ATP Generation, Protein Synthesis and Membrane Transport in Rat Skin in Clinical Orthopedics” (volume 171: pages 264-272). This study showed that microcurrent increased ATP production in rat skin by 500%. ATP is the chemical that the body uses for energy. The current also increased amino acid transport into the cell by 70% and waste product removal.
The implications for human healing and repair are obvious. ATP production was increased as long as the current was below 500 microamps. When the authors increased the current to 1000 micro amps, or one milliamp, a current range delivered by TENS devices and other types of electrical stimulation therapies, the ATP production was actually reduced.
"Electrostimulation of the tissue resulted in remarkably increased ATP concentrations. With currents from 50μA to1000μA, the ATP levels were increased threefold to fivefold. With currents from 100μA to 500μA, the stimulatory effects were similar. With currents exceeding 1000μA, the ATP concentration leveled, and with 5000μA, they were even reduced slightly as compared with the non-treated controls."
Direct electric currents ranging from 10μA to 1000μA increase ATP concentrations in the tissue and stimulate amino acid incorporation into the proteins of rat skin. The amino acid transport through the cell membrane, followed by theα-aminoisobutyric aciduptake, is stimulated between 100μA and 750μA. The stimulatory effects on ATP production and on amino acid transport, apparently mediated by different mechanisms, contribute to the final increased protein synthesizing activity, DNA metabolism followed by thymidine incorporation remains unaffected during the course of current application. The effects on ATP production can be explained by proton movements on the basis of the chemiosmotic theory of Mitchell, while the transport functions are controlled by modifications in the electrical gradients across the membranes.
Further explanation:
This study shows the importance and efficacy of microcurrent therapy.
ATP production is how our bodies produce energy. It is important in sports to ensure that athletes are able to optimize their body's own energy production, and not inhibit it.
When energy production and waste elimination are optimized within the body, that is where health and effective recovery (and ultimate performance) takes place.
Whenever there is high voltage used on athletes, it is predisposing the body to injury by decreasing the body's ability to produce its own natural energy. This inhibits the healing and recovery process. Anything that causes tetanic contraction (where the body involuntarily spasms or contracts) is considered high voltage, and is actively disrupting the body's ability to function in a normalized state.
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The Acuscope and Myopulse instruments are a form of low-level electrical stimulation, also known as "Frequency Specific Microcurrent" (FSM). These Class ll medical instruments utilize advanced technology that is designed to scan and treat many types of painful conditions. It is one of a class of electrical stimulators called TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation). TENS means that the instrument uses electricity to reduce pain by stimulating the nervous system of the body without puncturing the skin in any way.
The Myopulse, companion instrument to the Acuscope, gently stimulates the muscles, tendons and ligaments, reducing spasm and inflammation, and strengthens tissue that has been damaged by traumatic injury.
Together they comprise the most technologically advanced and effective electronic physical therapy equipment available in health care today.
The Acuscope and Myopulse establish a two-way communication between their own circuitry and the electrical signals from the area of the patient's body being treated. Using biofeedback technology, they measure such things as tissue conductivity and cell capacitance (the capacity of cells to hold an electrical charge). Generally, tissue conductance is very low in an area of chronic pain and abnormally high in areas of inflammation. In order to correct abnormalities, the treatment introduces gentle currents in waveforms similar to the body's own electrical signals.
The Acuscope is programmed to generate the current pulse which damaged nerve tissue requires in order to return to a normal, pain free state.
The Myopulse sends corrective signals specific to muscle and other connective, contractile tissue so that the cells can begin the work of self-repair.
Every living body is made up of a vast number of cells which store and release energy. Each cell has a measurable electrical charge and therefore there is a constant energy flow maintained between cells throughout the electrical circuitry of the body.
The Electro-Acuscope and Electro-Myopulse are microcurrent instruments. The amount of electricity generated by the instruments is measured in micro-amps (millionths of an amp) an extremely tiny amount of current. This amount of current is equivalent to what the body produces naturally. It has been scientifically proven that this low level of current produces the most beneficial effect on the body's cells, optimizes energy production in the body, and accelerates the recovery process.
Both instruments produce electrical signals in patterns similar to and compatible with that which is produced by the body's own normal, healthy cells.
When damage or trauma occurs, there is a disruption in the production of electricity and a measurable decrease in the flow of energy through the tissues involved. This condition is called electrical resistance and is generally accompanied by a sensation of pain in the area.
During treatment, the Acuscope and Myopulse introduce mild electrical current into the cells of the body in order to return the tissue to a normal level of electrical activity. While providing beneficial electrical current, the treatment causes the body to improve circulation, produce and more effectively utilize proteins and other nutrients required to cell metabolism and repair. In this way, the instrument assists the body in accelerating the natural self-healing processes. In addition, mild electrical current causes the body to generate chemicals called "endorphins", naturally occurring pain suppressors. The immediate pain relieving results, as well as the long term benefits of an Acuscope/Myopulse treatment, may therefore be considered an electro-chemical response occurring in the involved area at a cellular level.
Mild current stimulation, ideally at the level of 500uA (micro-amps) or less, has been proven to cause the cells of the body to increase production of the chemical ATP which responsible for cellular energy production. It has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, the building blocks of tissue, which allows the cells to begin to repair themselves.
This low level of current, microcurrent, is known to improve certain cellular functions which pump ions (such as sodium, calcium, potassium, etc.) into the cells, and to increase the transport of waste products out of the cells thereby assisting in the flushing of toxins out of the tissue.
As these chemical reactions build up with each treatment, the tissue is able to repair itself more completely. The "charge" on the tissue begins to hold and its ability to generate its own normal energy is restored. In most cases of neuromuscular pathology, a series of treatments leads to permanent relief. The benefits of the cumulative effect of this therapy system can not matched by any other therapeutic modality.
The pain relief that follows each treatment of a given area will last longer and longer, and each successive treatment will require a shorter amount of time to be effective.
The number of treatments required will depend on the severity and extent of the condition as well as the body's ability to heal itself. Age, general state of health, habits, and even state of mind may influence the length of time required for complete recovery. Somewhere between five and fifteen treatments is the normal average.
Unlike other forms of pain relief, such as therapy with certain drugs or higher amperage electrical stimulators, the body does not build up a tolerance to Acuscope treatments. Both with many pain medications and most hi-amp devices, prolonged use requires higher and higher doses of medications or increased time and amounts of electricity to achieve the desired pain reduction effect. With Electro-Acuscope/Myopulse treatments, sessions of shorter and shorter duration produce more dramatic and longer lasting effects, until treatment is no longer required. By definition, this is called the "cumulative" effect.
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